Monday, August 15, 2011

Glass Painting

While in London, I had a taste of glass painting introduced by a friend, Indi. As far as I am concerned I am drown with  anything that is created with own hands. So, when I got home, went to Panduro Hobby to get some glass paint, brushes and some peel-off stencils. Got these candle-holder glasses at one of the second hand stores as a bargain. Came home and sat with my daughter and we made a candle-holder each. This is the result :-)

I love butterflies so when I saw these peel-off, I just couldn´t resist.

My daughter, Harjeevan chose these and coloured it. She is very content with it and so am I :-)
......and walla!!! This is how it looks like when lighted. We were  both so excited. I am already hooked to it. Am saving and recyling all jam jars now for more glass painting :-) Have a lovely afternoon!


  1. Beautiful!!!

    Beautiful hobby, too!!!

  2. Such a brilliant idea. How wonderful to find and indulge in crafty time with your daughter. This seems a perfect project for you to create with her and you'll treasure her creation for years to come. I love upcycling ideas like this one. I can see that your jam jars will soon be given a glamorous facelift lol. Px

  3. Charlotta, thanks. It´s a wonderful hobby ;-)

    Paul, thanks for dropping by and thank you for your upplifting comment. I can't wait to have more glass painting session with darling daughter.. She gives me inspiration and I know i will cherish for life.. Cheers, x

  4. I used to do a lot of glass painting. It is a beautiful art!
