Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Iris folding dress

Hi folks!! I am back again with my second attempt on iris folding. I am getting a grip on  how fast and  easy it is with iris folding. I had so much fun making this wall piece for a friend of mine who turned 40 last weekend. She absolutely loved it and so did I . I can see myself making many more of these. ;-) The stamp is in Swedish and it says " Dreams become reality if you continue to believe in yourself. Everything is possible"! Have a great evening!!


  1. Jättesnyggt!!!

    Vill också prova iris-folding - det ser enkelt ut när man ser beskrivningar i tidskrifter men jag har aldrig testat.


  2. Jag tycker du ska absolut prova på tekniken. Det ser komplicerat ut men super enkel!! Om du goggla på iris-folding templates så finns massor med mönster du kan ladda ner. ;-)
