Sunday, February 21, 2010

My first Easel card

I have always wanted to try to make the easel
card but just never got around to doing it. When I
visited Scraparazzi about a week ago, Zornitsa just
made her easel card and showed me. It looked so easy
that I just had to give it a go. This is the result. The stamp
is from Greetings Farm. I am hooked to it.
Thank you Zornitsa for inpiration.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Cool enough! And a very cool different shape! How did you do that one??

    I haven't even tried yet...

    La Vikinga not sad but should try...

  3. It is quite simple. I just made a card out of the round shape and cut another round shape and sticked to it. You should give it a try. I am gonna make a few.

  4. wow... vilket fint kort, gillar både färgerna och formen :) Trevlig helg!

  5. Tack Zornitsa. Trevlig helg på dig också. Du ska på mässan imorgon eller hur?? Jag håller på kolla fortfarande hur jag ska dit. Tåget verkar går helt vilt. Och bussar vet jag inte heller. Jag ska fråga runt om nån åker dit med bil. Vi kanske ses där?

  6. Wow! Great idea and different variation of an easel card.

  7. wow! that is one different easel card! and i am so glad you did it this way! looks so unique.. ah well it is unique! its great!

  8. Thanks Cheryl and E.T

    I am a big fan of round shaped cards. So, when I wanted to make my first easel card, it diffinately had to be the round shaped.

    Thanks for dropping by :-)
